The premise for this website is quite simple. In an age where we can easily communicate directly with people from all around the world, many wonder why we can’t communicate more effectively with those who are asking for the privilege to lead us right here at home. This site attempts to do that by allowing all candidates to post their messages (complete and unedited) together in one place where the voter’s can easily view, analyze and compare their choices.
While many people long for something more than the way things have been done in the past, it should still be recognized that the traditional media’s role of filtering and editing raw information into a more structured presentation is valuable to our society. This site, therefore, should be seen as an enhancement of those sources rather than a replacement for them.
By all means, you should continue to read your newspapers, watch your TV’s, listen to your radios and discuss the issues with your family, friends and neighbors. What they say can often be very informative and helpful in making your own decisions. But you should also listen to what the candidates themselves have to say, and this is where you can find it.
In addition to the list of candidates on the left sidebar, you will also find several other important links. The Indiana voter registration system allows you to verify that you are registered to vote, shows your polling location, and lists which offices and districts cover your area. The Grant County Election Board is your source for official election information. And the election calendar will list important events in the election cycle.
If you have any questions or comments about this site, please contact me.
Phillip Marx
phil dot marx at ymail dot com